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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Why the Statement 'Trust Me I'm a Doctor' Should Be Taken and Thrown Out Through the Window!

The statement 'Trust me I'm a doctor' should be taken and thrown out through the window. Consider it like this, to get the picture on how the medical / pharmaceutical establishment have caused so much ill health and death over the years. For example, as reported by Gary Null et al, in 1 year the establishment were responsible for nearly 784,000 deaths in the USA through medical intervention. The breakdown off this figure includes adverse drug reactions, medical error, bedsores, infection, malnutrition, outpatients, unnecessary procedures and surgery.
We can see that if the above figure for the total number of iatrogenic deaths (deaths through medical intervention) could be projected over a 10-year period, this would come to just over 7.8 million. -That's more than the number of war casualties in the history of America!

Dr Lucian L. Leape made the earliest known iatrogenic study in 1994, published in the journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). Through his studies over various hospital over the United States he could have chosen the average fertility rate, which was about 20%, but instead chose to use a lower figure of 4% (was he playing it diplomatically safe when giving this account to his superiors???). If he had chosen the average figure of 20%, that would have totaled to 1,189,576 iatrogenic deaths for a year instead. -This is the equivalent to reading the headline in our imaginary newspaper: 'OVER 10 FULL 747 AIRPLANES CRASH KILLING ALL ITS PASSENGERS'
Psychiatry, indeed, the medical branch of psychology, is no different. This has more than its fair share of fraud, propagated by the usual suspects with their black money and cabalistic cover-ups: Pharmaceutical company people, the FDA, easily corrupted high-ranking politicians, bad science and a paid off press.

Did you know that psychiatrists are 5 times more likely to commit suicide than the average population? Similarly, Alcoholics Anonymous in the United States have reported a high number of psychiatrists in their groups. So much for psychiatrists being the models of mental health...
They use a manual called the DSM (diagnostic and statistical manual) for diagnosing individuals and identifying disorders. The disorders have been questioned as to whether or not they exist, since they are established by a committee of votes, rather than by sound science. The DSM catalog has hugely increased over recent years, beyond what some might say logic. However, it must be remembered that more diagnosed individual's means more drugs prescribed and therefore more money for big pharma.

-This sounds incredible, but when you look at it in detail, for example, it may be easy to see right through the ruse. Especially when the DSM decides by vote to include what could be called questionable disorders like 'Lottery Stress Disorder' and 'Shaking Leg Syndrome' Does it sound like I'm making these things up? Remember the treatments just happen to rake in drugs profits, if you get my drift...

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