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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Medical Tourism on the Rise

As a real alternative to the high cost of healthcare in the United States, medical tourism is now gaining acceptance by patients who can not shoulder the burden at home any longer.

Traditionally medical tourism has been associated with elective procedures (procedures not seen as strictly necessary) such as cosmetic dental and plastic surgery. Destinations such as Brazil, Costa Rica and Mexico have long catered to North American body worshippers in need of a nip or a tuck. Over the last few years however, non-elective procedures such as knee and hip replacements, obesity surgeries such as lap band, gastric bypass and gastric sleeve, cardiac procedures and neurosurgery have rapidly been gaining ground and are soon expected to overtake seemingly "trivial" pursuits such as searching for the perfect smile.

So what is medical tourism and why does this catchy term seem to be popping up in the media so often these days? First off it may be helpful to define what medical tourism is not. It is not a vacation package sold to doctors, nor is it a pastime for folks who like to tour hospitals. It is also not strictly tourism per se, although many aspects of tourism are engaged to some degree or another.

Simply put, medical tourism can be defined as the act of traveling outside one's own area of residence for health care. This can take the form of a two hundred mile drive to your parent's birthplace, or it can mean flying half way around the globe to an exotic culture you know nothing about. For people without insurance or those needing medical procedures that insurance won't cover, medical tourism offers an attractive alternative to rising healthcare costs.

To close the gap and language barriers between the hospitals/doctors abroad and the US patient our service as patient facilitators will be helpful.

We continually monitor many different measures of quality. Our proven standards evaluate how well our hospitals and physicians follow national and international protocols as well as their involvement in medical research and continuing education. The personal interaction with our patients, follow ups and regular questionnaires helps us to provide you with the highest level of comfort and satisfaction.

The primary benefits for you to use our service are significantly lower costs for best practice care and immediate availability of procedures such as lap band, gastric sleeve, mini gastric bypass and full gastric bypass which usually have a long waiting list in the US and Canada. As an an additional incentive of these great benefits you also have the opportunity to visit a beautiful place and take a dream vacation in Cancun, Mexico. With our help and dedication it is easy to make this come true for you because at the core of our efforts to assist you we provide these services for you.

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