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Saturday, August 9, 2008

What You Need to Know About Purchasing a Medical Alert System

Having a medical alert system in your loved one's home can help you have peace of mind in case of emergencies. As our loved ones begin to age we begin to look for ways to help them maintain as much independence as they possible can for as long as they can. This often means finding a way for them to be able to stay in their own homes, and if they are physically capable of taking care of themselves then why not let them stay there?

Most would answer that question with the following question of their own, "what happens if they fall or have a medical emergency?" Purchasing an alert system for medical emergencies will eliminate that fear. The way these medical systems work is by giving your loved one the ability to call for help no matter where they are in the home. You have a monitor and the monitor is activated by a push button that is worn either as a pendant around the neck or as a bracelet.

There are some things that you should consider when you are looking into these systems so that you can do a good comparison to find the medical alert system that will work best for your specific situation. For example you should find out if there are any activations fees. This is, generally speaking, a onetime fee that the company will charge you to first hook you up to their service. Some companies charge these fees while others do not and of the ones that do charge them they tend to run from $40-$160 depending on the alert system.

Another thing that you should also consider is whether or not you have to sign a contract for service. Each company has its own policy and some will let you go on a month-to month basis as long as your payments are kept current or some require you to sign a contract for a specific amount of time. Signing a contract has some pros and cons, for example, some companies will waive the activation fee if you sign a contract. However if you need to discontinue the service you will be hard pressed to get out of the contract.

Monthly service charges are another point to also consider. If you sign up for a medical system that is monitored by an outside agency then you are going to pay for this service each month. The service fees for this type of service generally run about $40 a month on average. So make sure you take this into consideration when you a comparing these systems.

Keeping our loved ones safe and in their own homes is a major priority for those of use that worry about their safety. Having the ability for them to reach the help they need in case of emergency is very important. One way that you might want to consider is having a medical alert system installed into their home; it is a great way to solve both issues.

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