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Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Purchasing Medical Equipment For the First Time

Have you ever went to the doctor's office and he wrote you a prescription for medical equipment and or supplies and he tells you to take it to the nearest medical supply store to get it filled? Well, let's say you go to the medical supply store and hand the prescription to a sales person only to find out that it can't be filled because they need additional information.

How frustrating is that! You expect that your physician knows what he is talking about, besides, he's the one that's treating you right? Wrong!

Physicians are not in the business of practicing medical equipment and supplies, they are in the business of practicing medicine. Don't get it misunderstood, it's not to say that they don't know anything about medical equipment and supplies.

Medical doctors are in the field and study of medicine, not medical supplies. The medical equipment and supply industry can easily become a gray area once the doctor passes the ball us. Most companies specialize in a particular line of medical supplies,such as. wound care, ostomy care, bath equipment and so one. Some areas even overlap others. One of the main reasons why some companies choose to specialize in one area as oppose to another is because technologies and advancements of the industry change so rapidly until it would be virtually impossible for a small medical equipment company to keep abreast of the new happenings across every area.

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