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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Respect Patients' Privacy! Keep Quiet in the Elevator!

Privacy! Does any hospital or nursing home official or staff member know what true privacy is? Do they know how to fully protect a patient's privacy? There is one large hole in the privacy principle inside of most large medical facilities and inside of many nursing homes or rehabs.

Where is the gap? Right up and down. You heard correctly. The gap is up and down the elevator, inside the elevate and to and from the elevators. Most staff members think that they have privacy in elevators inside of medical buildings but there is nothing further than the truth. How many times have you heard doctors and nurses discussing patient's medical history or current conditions inside a public elevator? Probably many times. Yet , also inside those elevators are guests, visitors, family members and even , sometimes, there are patients inside the elevators.

Once employees begin discussing patients --while those employees are still in the building, those employees are denying the right to privacy to all patients. You cannot discuss medical options, surgery, patients' histories and other related issues inside of elevators and expect any privacy at all. Look around you while in the elevator. Do you see those other people? One of them can be a friend, family member or associate of a patient that you are talking about.

Heed all privacy rules, especially the privacy rules inside of elevators; Do not discuss patients or related topics while you are on the elevator. This is the only way to be a real professional.