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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Come Clean - Uncover Your Cover-Ups in Health Care Facilities

So what is that exactly? Sometimes you come to these articles and you feel like you are watching a perfume commercial. You just have no clue what it is about. Have you ever seen those mod commercials that are enticing, interesting, wild and fun, but by the time you get to the end of the commercial you have no clue what kind of product they are trying to sell? Well, did you wonder what this article is about also? I am writing about truth, truth in life, truth in general and truth, especially, in nursing homes. I am writing about truth, trusting doctors and other authorities and how our blind trust in them harms us and other customers, patients or residents.

How can the truth harm? Simple! The truth harms when professionals, doctors, and nurses do not tell the truth. What happens when social workers do not tell the truth? And how do they get away wtih this anyway? How does a professional get away with telling fibs that harm a patient's life?

Well, for the most part, when professionals fib, and hide the truth from patients and families they do that because they are trying to cover something up. The doctors, nurses and social workers, perhaps felt they did something wrong, something incorrect or perhaps they did something that might be considered malpractice or even gross negligence. Think about it? What doctor and nurse and social worker will willingly come forward and say that they made a mistake? Have you ever seen any news reports of any professionals admitting that they were at fault? I have not seen any and I am willing to say that you probably have not seen any either.

But I have overheard professionals talking about their mistakes and also talking about how they can cover them up. What have you heard? While I was at Woodhull hospital one day, I overheard --just by walking through the hallway going to visit a patient--that someone had made a mistake with someone's medicine. While I was walking inside a horrible rehabilitation and care center --another year, I had one patient --themselves--tell me that the nurse was going to put the wrong medicine in her, yet, luckily that patient was verbally able to open her mouth and tell the nurse, NO! This happens all the time in bad hospitals and inside bad rehabiltation and care centers and inside horrible nursing homes, yet you do not see this coming out in the news, do you?

I vote for truth. I vote for truth today. If you are a worker inside any of these places, you need to come forward and say the truth when you see a mistake. Yes, that is correct, you need to come forward. If your supervisor does not want to hear the truth then go over their head and go to the owner of the hospital or nursing home. But just keep going and complaining until you reach someone who will take action and rectify those problems.

Are you working inside a bad nursing home or inside a bad rehabilitation and care center? Are you just waiting so that you can reveal all the horrible things that are still happening inside of those places? Perhaps today is the day that you should come clean. Come and tell me by email , what is happening inside those facilities that should never be happening. You can do it. Come share your thoughts, your honesty , your truth and your experience.

Are you afraid to report the mistake because you still work there? Aren't you obligated to report mistakes by law? If you see mistakes made and you neglect to report them don't you realize that someone does see the mistake with you? Yes, that Someone is God. So while you think you are covering up your mistakes or someone else's mistakes, in actuality, there is Someone watching over you. And do you feel even a twinge of guilt when you think of the things that you have covered-up in that nursing home or rehabilitation and care center? You should. Time to come clean is now. If you are the Director of Social work inside of a bad nursing home or inside of a bad rehabilitation and care center, perhaps it is time that you come clean and take the shades off the cover up.

It is because people cover-up their negligence and lack of care--just because of the cover-ups, that these events are allowed to continue to happen in our facilities. Come clean. If you are reading this and you have covered up something that you should not have covered up, you need to be honest now, and tell the truth, finally.

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