Preventative Medicine - MRI Body Scans
When there is a medical complication that doctors cannot see or diagnose on the surface, other tests may need to be performed. Depending on the type of problem that the patient has, they may request a variety of tests. CT scans and blood tests are very common, but only give a number of diagnoses. Therefore, there is another procedure that many doctors will request to get an inside view of the body.
MRI scanning will allow doctors to see the entire body on the inside, which can help them to find and treat problems much more easily. The magnets in the machine are designed to excite the protons in your body, and when they respond, the image of your internal organs, tissues, and muscles results. Having this scan done can find a variety of medical problems that are not otherwise able to be diagnosed or treated.
An MRI will cost you, though. If your insurance covers the scan or part of it, you'll pay far less than those without insurance. The cost for this test is between $600 and $3500 on average. The cost you pay will depend on your insurance, but also on where you have the scan done. Also, if you choose to have a wide open MRI instead of a traditional one, you will pay more because of the new technology.
Wide open MRIs work the same as traditional MRIs, but the patient is not in an enclosed tube. This lessens the fear and anxiety of having MRI scans done, and makes people more likely to get the test done.
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