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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Vitamin B and Acai Berry

The acai berry features a seemingly endless amount of benefits. People are used to hearing about the major health benefits of the acai berry. They hear about the antioxidants and the omega fatty acids that come from acai. They often fail to hear about the other health benefits of the acai berry.

Acai is a great source of Vitamin B. Acai features vitamin B1, vitamin B2, and vitamin B3. Vitamin B1 is a great source of energy. It is relied on to help keep your muscles working properly. Vitamin B2 is important for your skin, and for your eyes. Vitamin B3 is incredibly important for creating energy in the body from carbohydrates. It is also important for the digestive system. Like many other vitamins, it is important for healthy skin.

It is important to have about 1.5 mg of B1 vitamin daily. 1.7 mg are needed, per day, for Vitamin B2. Those who are looking for their daily vitamin B3 dose will need to have about 15 mg.

The acai is a great way to get your daily dose of Vitamin B. You can get this through acai juice and through acai berry supplements. These can come in both powder and pill form. Each supplement will have all types of B vitamins in them.

There are multiple foods that will feature the Vitamin B that you are looking for. Vitamin B1 can be found in Pork as well as kidney beans. Vitamin B2 can be found in any red meat and any dairy product. Vitamin B3 is found in all types of meat. It is also found in peanuts. Nearly any food can be added to the acai berry diet to get the right amount of the important B vitamins.

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Obama's Health Care Plan is Useless

The health care plan that President Obama has proposes will do nothing to solve our health care crisis. All the plan will do is help those who now have sickness or diseases to help them pay for their treatment and prescription drugs.

Now you might say well that's what it should do, doesn't it? Well you are right it will help do that but that doesn't solve our health care crisis. The only thing that will finally solve that problem is education.

What I mean by that is you need to teach people what they must do to be healthy and stay healthy. My proposal is to establish health learning centers in various cities all over the country.

In those learning centers people would learn about healthy diet procedures, proper exercise, weight control, stress management and mind control. The staff that would run these centers would be people who would be highly qualified to teach the various methods of good health care practices.

I know however that this is probably a proposal that will never come about because of such strong resistance from Big Pharma, the medical community and even Congress. It seems the biggest reason it won't is because creed is more important to them our citizen's health condition.

I become very angry and saddened that this kind of attitude has become part of our culture today. As a senior citizen I can remember in the past when the government and the medical community were more caring then today. As for as Big Pharma their existence was barely known.

Just yesterday, July 1st, I watched President Obama's address at the town hall meeting in Annandale, Virginia. I usually don't listen to any of his rhetoric because he is just like the typical politician that, I don't believe, has the interest in our beliefs at heart.

However I turned on CNN while I was having lunch to see what the latest news was and they happened to be carrying this town hall meeting.

After listening for a while, I was about ready to turn off the TV, when he was ready to open up questions from the audience. What really caught my attention was a lady in the audience who they had given a microphone to ask a question.

With tears in her eyes and difficulty talking she relayed to the President her sad story about her sickness and her inability to pay for her medical insurance or doctor visits. I never really heard the seriousness of her ailment because she was so distraught she had difficulty talking clearly.

Then Mr. Obama had her come closed to him, hugged her and assured her that her problem would be taken care of by his illustrious health care plan. His remarks even made me sick at my stomach because of the great things it will do for everyone.

His ineffective health care plan is no more than a band aid treatment for her ailment or anyone else which is the same kind of band aid treatments anyone gets from their doctor and Big Pharma every day.

According to her, whatever her ailment was to begin with, she now has other ailments to contend with which are bigger problems than the ones she started out with.

So here is just one person in several million whom are crying out for solutions to their health problems and still not getting the right answers to solve them. And as I previously stated health education is the only answer to solve people's illnesses and diseases.

Since I believed the government, Big Pharma or the medical community will never help solve this gigantic health crisis, me and many others who preach alternative healing methods are left with the duty to spread their beliefs far and wide.

I can tell you this; I will never quit preaching my beliefs as long as I am physically and mentally able to do so. It's my strong passion and I spread my beliefs in my website, my blog, my 6 lesson ecourse and many articles I write and submit to directories.

Just recently I heard Mr. Obama say that because Big Pharma is interested in his health care plan, they are willing to invest $80 billion to support it. I find that real interesting. Do you believe that they are really interested in solving America's health problem or is their interest in what they might get in return for their investment?

I know what I believe - what do you believe? I would be interested in your comments.

Sonny grew up in a family that owned a local florist business that lasted for 63 years. For 29 years he was personally involved in the business.

Eventually becoming dissatisfied at the age of 44 years with it, he left to become a sales representative and spent more than 20 years in sales roles.

After retirement Sonny became heavily involved in developing an Internet business.

Four years ago, his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer. On the first visit with his wife to her oncologist, Sonny became involved in a discussion over possible treatments. He wanted to discuss alternative treatments instead of conventional treatments for her disease. The doctor was not receptive to his ideas at all.

His wife did eventually accept the doctor's decision but Sonny never did endorse it.

Because of this experience he left the doctor's office that day vowing to spent the rest of this life searching for alternative health methods to treat and cure all types of illnesses and diseases.

He then began sharing that information on his websites and even started writing articles on health matters to raise public awareness on the issues.

His wife's cancer is now in remission and she does accept many of his healthy recommendations. Hopefully both of them will extend their life expectancy by following daily healthier practices.

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Boomers Going Abroad For Healthcare

Most seniors are concerned with health issues. Increasing needs for medical care, the rising cost of that care and the outrageous price tag of prescription medications has many seniors these days choosing between paying their rent and paying for their medications.

Unfortunately, many baby boomers, those generally defined as having been born between 1946 and 1964, are finding themselves in a precarious situation due to the struggling economy, cutbacks in government aid, and an inability of many facilities to provide adequate care for a multitude of needs.

Seniors waiting for non-life-threatening conditions such as knee surgeries, cosmetic or plastic surgeries, obesity or weight loss treatment programs, hip resurfacing or hip replacement procedures and even vision or dental care are placed on increasingly growing waiting lists as priorities and life-threatening illnesses and injuries take precedence.

According to the Medical Tourism Magazine, 2010 will see nearly 75,000,000 baby boomers seeking or needing necessary medical treatment or surgeries. By the year 2030, nearly half of adults living in the United States will be over 50 years old. Life expectancy is lengthening, and more seniors are living well into their 90s and topping the 100-year-old mark. The need for care for such individuals is growing and the medical industry is scrambling to find ways to care for this generation.

Unfortunately, the health care system in the United States is wobbling, but that doesn't mean baby boomers can't find adequate healthcare, treatments, procedures or surgeries for their needs. Medical tourism is a booming industry, and has become an accepted and safe alternative to high medical costs, long wait times, and inadequate services found in Britain, Canada and the United States.

Arthritis, osteoarthritis, mild forms of dementia, and heart problems prompt many otherwise healthy seniors to seek medical treatments that will improve quality of life. Concerns regarding treatment of Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or dementia are also high on the list of medical conditions that seniors worry about. So is the growing need for therapies and joint replacement surgeries. Unfortunately, such care is growing increasingly expensive and many boomers wonder if they will be forced to suffer in silence.

Global Boomer Tourists Leading the Way

Baby boomers and others of the post-World War II generation are not to be taken lightly or underestimated. This group of individuals has led the way in medical tourism to destinations in Asia, South America and Europe for excellent, high-tech state-of-the-art facility care, treatments and procedures for many years. According to the World Medical Tourism and Global Health Congress, the coming years will see nearly 17,000,000 Americans venturing beyond domestic borders for medical and healthcare in India, Thailand, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, South Africa, Croatia, and dozens of other international destinations with growing reputations for providing some of the best medical and surgical care in the world.

Alarming Cost of Medical Services in the 21st Century

Everyone's worried about finances these days. Baby boomers who are set for retirement are now having to switch gears and transition from plans for retirement to staying in jobs an extra five or 10 years to meet rising living expenses and healthcare needs. Alarming statistics define that nearly 60% of today's bankruptcies are caused by staggering medical expenses as a result of emergency surgeries, diagnosis of chronic illnesses, treatment of cardiac and bone diseases and processes as well as treatment for dementia, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

Seniors limited to Social Security or pension payments are in a particular predicament. Many seniors have moved in with family members to help share living expenses, save money and cut expenses, but don't count this generation down and out.

Boomers Fighting Back

Baby boomers are one of the most educated generations, and easy access to Internet resources has encouraged and enabled many of today's baby boomers to find reliable and timely resources for medical travel abroad.

Boomers are careful and patient when it comes to researching options, and more are finding that international medical facilities offer not only the care they need, but at prices they can afford. Traveling abroad for treatment and surgical procedures for everything from arthritis to stem cell transplants is the wave of the future. Improving quality of life, enjoying excellent and state-of-the-art healthcare and benefiting from lower healthcare costs in international medical destinations offers boomers the ultimate solution when it comes to their medical needs, today and tomorrow.

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