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Thursday, September 17, 2009

Are We Talking About "Health Care" Reform, Or "Sickness Care" Reform?

All the talk about "Health Care Reform" has certainly ignited a fire in countless Americans! Every national news and talk radio show is focused on this hot button topic recently.

The economic crisis is clearly the catalyst for the proposed sweeping changes in national "health" care. Scarce funds and resources, as well as a pending economic "collapse" (as some describe) are forcing us to consider how to manage health care in tough times... and in extreme circumstances.

We're hearing terms like "rationed health care", "socialized medicine", "universal insurance" and the "value of human life". It's no wonder this subject has sparked such heated dialogue.

Spending the first 23 years of my life in "socialist" Canada, and still spending much time and energy in their medical system with both of my parents, I may have a different perspective from the sensationalized one being portrayed in media.

I'm perfectly willing to admit that I don't understand all the politics and red tape involved. I simply have a memory of how things really played out in that system and countless experiences to call upon.

Growing up, I quite clearly recall paying out of pocket for many doctor's and specialist's visits, treatments and procedures, and paying a partial "co-pay" for the remaining forms of care: physical therapy, surgery, prescriptions, etc. Not exactly the picture I continue to see painted on the news.

Studying and working within the field of health and wellness for the past 18 years, I know I have a different perspective. First, I wish we'd quit calling this "health care". The subject of this conversation is "sickness care". I know I can't change that, but it annoys me! Words are important.

I have no challenge with paying for - investing in - my own health. I will gladly invest in lifestyle choices that proactively build better health. Choices like: healthier foods, high quality nutritional supplements, pure water, exercise classes, equipment and tools, Chiropractic care, massage, less toxic personal care, household and lawn care products, and so on. I don't expect a hand out for any of these things... although it would sure be nice! It's just not realistic. My health and my family's health is my responsibility.

If we continue to talk about sickness care as though it will somehow provide us with health, we'll continue on our devastating trend of unparalleled rates of chronic illness in all age groups. We're confused.

What drug, surgery, insurance plan or federal program could ever fix a problem due to a lack of fresh, healthy, whole, untainted (genetically required) real foods? Or a problem due to sedentary living and lack of regular (genetically required) movement? Or a problem due to a lack of healthy emotions like love and joy? Or a problem due to toxic thoughts and emotions like fear, worry, hate and hopelessness?

Thinking that national "health care" is responsible for our health is irresponsible on our part. It's also foolish. Their paradigm is still the sickness paradigm. Why on earth would we expect them to deliver us health?

Do I think that we should have a system to help those in need achieve better health and receive sickness care when needed? Yes. But I sure would love to see the main focus of such a program be on "health"! I'm certain we'd spend FAR less on sickness care (and "health care" as a whole) if that were the case.

I'd also love to see the pharmaceutical industry focus on health rather than profits, and drugs only be used for life-saving endeavors... but I digress!

I'm blessed to live in a country with excellent sickness care options. In the case of emergency or trauma or life-saving procedures we have the best. In the case of "health care"... not so much! Sadly though, it's all there. Everything we need in order to create ideal health is right here at our fingertips. As a culture, we just keep overlooking it and choosing sickness care, expecting health as the outcome.

Our paradigm is inaccurate.

As individuals, imagine if we all began to proactively take steps to create better health. We would no longer play the role of passive by-stander or helpless victim in this game. That's where I think our focus needs to shift - why wait around to see what's decided FOR us? Regardless of whatever decisions are made by this current administration, we can certainly become healthier one by one, family by family. Isn't this the perfect, most necessary time to take responsibility for our own health and safety?

Science has clearly shown us that it's our lifestyle choices - how we eat, how we move, how we sleep, how we respond to stress - that directly determine our level of health, function, performance and our ability to prevent and reverse chronic illness. Getting healthier means making more pure and sufficient choices while simultaneously reducing toxic and deficient choices. No one can do this for us but US.

When we shift to this responsible, proactive and accurate belief about health care, THEN we will have a truly beneficial health care reform and a profound strengthening of our economy!

Are you confused by the overwhelming, often contradictory health information these days? Concerned that your family may not be as healthy as they could be? So you feel stressed out and exhausted... and just too darn tired to make positive, healthy lifestyle changes? I'm here to help! My name is Dr. Colleen Trombley, also known as Dr. Mom Online. I have a knack for simplifying Health and helping busy people restore balance to their lives.

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Make the Most of the Affordable Health Care Options Available

Affordable Health care options are not many in the United States of America. Nearly half the population is staggering under the load of financial problems resulting from unpaid bills. Recession has taken its toll and with unemployment on the increase, the "quiet crisis" that is spreading across the nation is creating undue stress and havoc. The government is striving hard to take measures to introduce affordable health care options for the benefit of the average person and the medically unfit.

What are the healthcare options available today? Each state has set up several healthcare measures for its citizens. One has to study the options and make the best use of the choices and put them to good use. Some States insist that major companies pay more premium rates, so that they can take care of employees, who are not covered under the insurance policies. Individuals could also consider treatment outside the U.S.A as a highly option and save a considerable amount of money. The main expense when using this alternative is the travel expense. Excellent affordable healthcare facilities are available in other countries at less than half the cost.

For those who prefer to use the healthcare services in their own State, they can pay a monthly fee and use the Medical Savings Plan or the Medical Discount Plan. The important factor to remember is that these plans are in no way connected to insurance policies. These affordable healthcare options are open to people suffering from any ailment and age. They can visit doctors and dentists, have a few tests conducted and get prescriptions for drugs required for their treatment. There is also an affordable healthcare service called The Medicare prescription drug benefit, where you can purchase affordable healthcare medicines from their centers.

Your family is precious to you. Therefore, one sure method of protecting their interests is to look for healthcare insurance policies that cover all medical emergencies and accidents for you and the members in your family. Look at all the numerous options and choose the one that fits in your budget. The medical costs are soaring these days due to non-availability of good hospital care, nursing care and specialized doctors. The rate of deaths occurring due to mal-functions, in one way or the other, is devastating. Protect yourself and your family by using the best healthcare mantle.

It is distressing to note that a vast majority of the population, including children, are not protected under any scheme. The Government is now waking up to the fact that they have to introduce stringent affordable healthcare measures soon to prevent a major catastrophe. Some States have made it mandatory for everyone to take out an insurance policy. Unless some new healthcare services spring up soon, the chances of major repercussions are imminent and to this end, the citizens should all co-operative and urge the Government to take some serious affordable healthcare action immediately.

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A New Look at Health Savings Accounts

With the debate raging over health care reform, there is little give and take on both sides of the issue. Those for a strong single payer or government insurance option are pitted against those who want the free market and private insurance companies to compete with little government interference. There is a topic where both sides may be able to find a compromise. Health Savings Accounts, also known as HSA's, are looked at favorably by most Americans. With a little bit of tweaking there may be a place to use these to offset many of our contentions. Let's take a look at a method worth considering.

First, let us assume that we are going to need to get radical transformation on our current health care system done. Also, let us assume that we can get a public option which would cover catastrophic medical emergencies for every American citizen. This would appease the left leaning government proponents. Now before the right side begins crying foul, we can also give their methods a part. In particular, we can have a mandated has for every American. We could require this as a payroll deduction itemized on all tax forms. However, it is not just another tax. This money can be used specifically for each person to get regular medical care not covered by the catastrophic protection. There can be a minimum and a cap established for each of these based on a person's age and area. It would likely require a consensus of actuarial accounting to come up with a national number. Once a person has given enough then the deduction would be abolished for that year.

This would serve as money in an account for that specific person. It would not be a pool as used by Medicare. If there is a need to go above what a person has in the account, then the government or private institutions could be solicited as lenders with the account as collateral for moderate interest loans. For those who could not afford to fund theirs, then there would need to be a government subsidy to supply. This would not be unlike what we have today with insurance rates climbing though to pay off uninsured who use medical services. Rates for insurance would be lowered and the absorbed savings would be able to fund this program.

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Healthcare Reform - Start by Reforming Yourself!

Stop for a minute and think. What is health insurance? Really. Ideally, it's protection against the cost of being sick. That's what we're paying for. We spend millions of dollars insuring that if we get sick someone else will foot the bill.

Why don't we take care of ourselves? If you eat properly, drink enough water, get up off the couch, go outside, breathe fresh air, stop smoking, stop taking over the counter drugs, cook our own food, hug your family, and get a good night's sleep. Would you still need health insurance? Probably. But let's break this down a little more.

Eat properly, drink water and cook your own food. Sounds easy, right? Our bodies are complex machines that run on a specific but basic diet. Whole, balanced foods with fresh, natural ingredients. No processed food, no modified food starch, artificial ingredients, chemicals you can't spell or pronounce. What would happen if you put oil in your gasoline tank and gasoline in the oil tank? Your car would blow up! That's what we're doing to ourselves. If you continue to put the wrong fuel in your body - you get cancer, high cholesterol, diabetes, high blood pressure - all manner of fuel related diseases. Next time you go to the grocery store only buy foods on the perimeter. If it has an ingredient label - you don't need it. If you read the label (and it makes sense to you) has 5 ingredients that you can readily identify, okay. Other than that - warning! Red flag! Our bodies consist of more water than anything else - why would you replenish it with soda? Oh, you only drink diet soda? Oh, did I miss where chemical sugar is pure? Be informed. You'll lose weight, your skin will clear up, you'll be a regular bathroom visitor and you'll have more energy to cook your own food. Save money - eat at home.

Get up off that couch, go outside and do something! Do you remember in school when you first saw that picture in a text book of the human bodies muscular system? All those tendons, criss-crossing across your skeleton with those bug eyes. Scared me! Now conjure up that image again. Add 80 lbs, a beer gut, sagging, atrophied, muscles - all loose. That should scare you now. Raise your arms out to the side move them back and forth. What's that jiggle? That's what I thought - get outside! Bike, walk, garden, wash your car, hang the laundry out. Bet you sleep better too!

Smoking. Stop. Now. My husband is now a cancer survivor. Had he stopped smoking - he never would've gotten cancer. Sure health insurance saved us. But if he didn't smoke - it would be a moot point. Weeks of radiation, chemotherapy. Weeks in the hospital, pneumonia, coma, rehab. Stop smoking. You'll save money too. You might think, "it won't happen to me." Yeah, I thought that too. Three years later and we're still dealing with it. Take care of yourself.

We spend money on everything but our health. Taking care of your machine, your engine, your body should be paramount! Your body is a temple - you've heard that before, but what does your temple look like? Candy wrappers, cigarette butts, a video game system, a recliner, a TV-remote, dirty laundry and a box of Kraft Macaroni & Cheese?

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