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Sunday, December 13, 2009

Lifestyle and Human Health Care

Lifestyle changes are becoming the most needed aspect of human health care. The importance of a healthy lifestyle is being stressed all over the world. Researchers have enough evidence to prove that lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet complemented by good levels of physical activity improves the health of entire communities. With the advent of junk food, even kids are deprived of nutrition rich diets.

Television, computer games, and Internet have made physical activity an unknown aspect for many of them. Moreover, bad habits such as smoking and drinking and the use of drugs are hard to be controlled. The absence of proper diet, and physical activity and increase in use of tobacco are said to be a common risk factor for such diseases as cancer, heart attacks and diabetes.

Lifestyle related chronic diseases pose a major threat to human health care. Does a small change in lifestyle really make a difference to an individual's health? If expert opinions are to be believed it does matter a lot. It is high time that governments all over the world take some initiatives to promote healthy lifestyle. We need to educate people that healthy living is possible with healthy choice of lifestyle. What needs to be changed or modified then?

• Eating habits should be at least modified in such a way that the food we intake does no harm to our body. Say Goodbye to junk food, and say Hello to fresh fruits and vegetables
• Daily walk or Running or Jogging or Climbing up stairs would increase your physical activity and hence your longevity
• Try to avoid stress either at work or home
• Involve in Meditation and Yoga at least once a week if you are deeply stressed
• Never give into temptations for Smoking and Drinking
• Kids need to be encouraged to involve in Sports activities
• Governments can help by conducting Awareness Campaigns and restricting Tobacco use

These are some important factors that need to be considered. Unfortunately certain diseases like malnutrition, obesity, diabetes, heart attacks etc. are not caused by any virus or bacteria but because of improper Lifestyle. So, a change will always do wonders. It is not too late to start living healthily. All it takes is a conviction to live happily and the happiness lies in living a healthy life.

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Allied Health Staffing Factoring - A Financing Solution For Expanding Companies

The growing nurse shortage has been in the headlines for years, but there is another very real shortage that's also affecting our nation-the allied health personnel shortage. Defined as clinical healthcare professionals that assist physicians and nurses, allied health personnel are an important part of the healthcare system. Hospitals, nursing homes and clinics are beginning to feel the stress of the aging Baby Boomer population, as these institutions are seeing the allied workforce retiring in droves at the same time that patient intake is increasing. Given the circumstances, now seems like a perfect opportunity for savvy business owners to develop their staffing agency to meet the new demands.

However, growing a business takes money - Allied health staffing agencies need cash to cover the costs of advertising, recruiting, and expanding offices. Unfortunately, right now is a bad time for businesses who are seeking ongoing financing because banks have tightened their lending criteria as a result of the national credit crunch. Moreover, the economic decline instigated a jump in small business credit card interest rates in addition to overly-obtrusive credit restrictions on small business owners.

This situation puts allied health staffing business owners in a conundrum-On the one hand, now is a prime opportunity for supplemental staffing agencies to expand, but on the other hand, no one seems to be lending to businesses these days. Luckily, accounts receivable factoring firms are still lending. What's more, factoring firms do not have the same arduous loan criteria as their conventional counterparts. Here are a few ways that allied health staffing factoring differs from traditional bank loans:

Quick Funding Application Process-Factors generally do not require a history of profitability, personal financial statements, business plans or personal guarantees. Because there are fewer documents needed, allied health staffing companies can receive their first funding within 3-5 days of returning factoring documentation.

No Long-Term Obligation - Many factoring firms will not require business owners to sign a long-term contract. In addition, once the staffing agency has been approved, it can stop or start factoring at any time.

Access to Unlimited Capital - With bank financing, once a company hits the credit limit, it cannot borrow more cash. Invoice factoring is the only source of business financing that grows with the company's sales. As sales increase, more money becomes immediately available to the agency owner.

No Liability on the Company's Balance Sheet - Because factoring is not a small business loan, there is no debt, and there are no monthly payments to 'muddy up' the company balance sheet.

Allied Health Staffing Industry Expertise - Banks work with all kinds of companies, so they might not be familiar with the intricacies of the industry. There are factoring companies out there who understand the ins and outs of the allied health staffing industry, so business owners won't have to worry about teaching a factor about their business model.

The allied health workforce will continue to play an integral role in the healthcare system as the demand for their services continues to rise. This need presents a great opportunity that allied health staffing agencies can use to their advantage. In order for these staffing agencies to acquire new customers, they will need to hire additional employees and possibly expand their infrastructure. Unfortunately, these staffing agencies also need to accomplish this growth during a time when it has become increasingly more difficult to obtain traditional financing. Fortunately, those allied health staffing agencies can use factoring as a flexible financing solution to the cash flow problems that can arise during periods of growth.

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Why the Pharmaceutical Industry Needs to Adapt to Emerging Markets

Even though the pharmaceutical industry has experienced unprecedented growth in recent years, there are many emerging trends that may challenge this. And one of these factors is the growth of emerging markets such as India, Brazil, Russia and China, to name a few. With economic growth rates reaching double digit percentages in some of these countries, there is no doubt that they will be major players in the global marketplace of the future. That is why it is no surprise that this recent economic growth is not only catching the attention of key financial players all over the world, but catching the attention of multinational drug companies as well.

As the global pharmaceutical industry continues to grow, some key trends are showing that this growth could soon taper off. Many pharmaceutical consulting firms have seen these trends coming for along time. Trends like the loss of marketing exclusivity, as well as lower contributions from newer products, along with the growing prevalence of generic drugs all over the world, the global pharmaceutical marketplace could be facing a cruel reality. Many pharmaceutical consulting firms are recognizing this trend, and are seeing a pharmaceutical industry in the future, that is very different from the one of the last 50 years.

There is no doubt that the pharmaceutical landscape of the future will be vastly different from the one we know today. For example, back in 1999, before the turn of the century, the top leading pharmaceutical markets in the world were the United States, Japan, and Europe, accounting for nearly 75% of the growth in the global pharmaceutical marketplace. Now compare that to today, where these major markets only account for nearly 45% of the global pharmaceutical growth rate, whereas the emerging markets have jumped from 8% to nearly 30% in this same period. And this trend is only suspected to grow.

While Europe and the US and Japan, are seen as the major players in the pharmaceutical industry, the rest of the world is catching up fast. With the economic downturn in the United States and Europe affecting the growth of these two previously booming economies, emerging economies like China and India are expected to be the beneficiaries in the long run. With their two economies growing at a much faster pace than the US and Europe, there is no doubt that they will be major players in the pharmaceutical industry of the 21st century. Pharmaceutical consultants believe the two main questions will be if drug companies will pick up on this trend, and start marketing more vigorously to emerging markets, or if they will ignore it and continue doing business as usual.

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Mexican Versus American Health Care

One of the reasons my wife and I sold everything we owned in the States and moved to Mexico was Health Care. You might even say that it was the primary reason.

We began seeing the handwriting on the wall, so to speak, long before such atrocities as "concierge" services or health care, came into being. Though not predicting "concierge" services or health care specifically, we knew something had to be coming down the pike and it would not be for the benefit of the patients but that of the doctors.

If after reading this article which appears on MSNBC, tell me if the whole thing sounds like a BRIBE?

If the articles aren't enough to convince you, follow your doctor home (in a NON-stalker kind of way, of course) and see what kind of house they live in, what make of car, and how many, they drive to park in their three-car garages. Also, check out where they send their kids to school, where they buy their kid's designer clothes, where they all go out to eat. How many on staff at their houses to clean them?

In other words, is this "concierge" services or health care just an attempt to keep the standard of haughty living to which they doctors have grown accustom?

I once heard one of American TV's medical guru tell another doctor she was interviewing that the public needs to "respect" the medical education these doctor have and do as they say without reservation.

The gall.

Anyway, the medical scene in Mexico you will find quite different. No "concierge" services or health care, will hit you in the face by your doctors. The prices are still very reasonable. We pay less than two dollars and fifty cents to see a general practitioner and less than fifty bucks to see a specialists.

Mexican doctors will spend as much time as needed with you. And, they don't charge you a "concierge" service fee to have their cell phone numbers either.

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