Are Healthcare Breakthroughs Too Good to Be True?
The healthcare business is a money machine. The media is constantly reporting big breakthroughs in healthcare, with the main focus being on the producer's expected increase in revenues and sharp rises in share price. What these breakthroughs mean to the general public almost appears to be an afterthought.
It's unfortunate that healthcare companies seem to have lost sight of their initial purpose: helping sick people to get better and healthy people to stay that way. But that doesn't mean that the benefits to individuals don't exist. There are many new technologies in process that could mean more personalized care in treatments for cancer, heart disease, asthma and many others.
One such technology, the ability to transport cancer treatment drugs directly to a tumor, has been undergoing research in universities for years. If this method of treatment can be completely worked out, it could mean the end of the toxic and painful current cancer treatments for many people.
Targeted cancer therapy would mean attaching the drug to tiny nano-particles which have been specifically programmed to find and adhere to a malignant tumor in the body. The drug would only affect the cells of the tumor and not the human body. That means that the toxins in the drug could kill off the tumor without harming the person undergoing treatment. Amazing!
One of the most important aspects of successful treatment for almost any disease is, of course, early detection. The research in DNA, protein analysis and nanotechnology has brought us the very real possibility of very early detection.
Research into this technology has brought scientists closer to analyzing even tiny quantities of specialized proteins, called biomarkers, which could point out the existence of certain diseases in blood samples or even single cells. There is much more testing to be done before these tests can be made available to the public but the gap between 'someday' and 'today' is getting smaller. Regardless of profits to any chemical company, this is an awe-inspiring idea and it's within our grasp.
But what can we do in the 'now'? Even when this technology becomes available, it doesn't mean we should stop taking care of ourselves. Most of the diseases that concern the American public, such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer can be greatly attributed to poor lifestyles.
A nutritious diet, a good exercise regimen, plenty of sleep and a good outlook on life are the keys to a healthy lifestyle. A body that functions as it should and is generally free of pain is the best way to ensure that all of these things work together to give you the best possible health.
Your chiropractor is a good place to start to achieve these goals. Chiropractic care can help your body in attaining - and maintaining - optimal performance. In addition to gentle spinal adjustments and diagnosis of structural problems, your chiropractor can also help you to design a balanced diet that will provide you with a good chance at a healthy, happy lifestyle.
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